The Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) is a government organization in the province of Punjab, Pakistan, responsible for enhancing public safety and security through the use of modern technology and surveillance systems. The authority is primarily focused on improving law enforcement and reducing crime rates by integrating various technological tools, such as CCTV cameras, automated systems, and smart traffic management solutions.
Ali was really helpful in pointing out little flaws in my driving and teaching me how to sense the direction of the automobile rather than relying just on ideas. This allowed me to pass my license exam and improved my driving skills.
Instructor Name: Muhammad Ali
I took a few driving classes with Aleesha in preparation for my license, which I passed with flying colors. Driving has become far less scary as a result of her guidance and instruction. I definitely suggest her as an instructor.
Instructor Name: Aleesha
Thank you for the assistance. Jamal has been incredibly helpful, patient, and kind. He understands the nature of the learner and assists them in filling in any gaps. He is always on time when driving to his classes. I strongly suggest him.
Instructor Name: Rana Jamal